Which is the cheapest month for Umrah?

Which is the cheapest month for Umrah

Umrah is a holy pilgrimage to Makkah. There is only one restriction about this journey which cannot be continued during Hajj days. Every trip can be more enjoyable if it is done in pleasant weather. Therefore, they need to know “Which month is the cheapest for Umrah?” The best and cheapest month to perform Umrah is November. Hotels and other accommodations will be available at the cheapest rates in November. Hence, the price of November Umrah packages is lower than December and January.

Cheapest Month for Umrah

There is no particular time is specified for pilgrims to perform Umrah because it can be performed at any time of the year. Any worship gives Muslims the freedom to choose the easiest time for them to perform it. Allah Almighty gives such freedom to His believers (Muslims) so that they can adjust their time according to their daily routines and schedules.

If such authority has been given to a pilgrim to select his own time, then why not select a time that can facilitate him in every way? Decide the cheapest month for Umrah so that the pilgrim can save his pocket during performing the religious duty (Umrah).

Although it is suitable for pilgrims to perform Umrah in November apart from January, February, May etc.

The main cause for preferring November for Umrah is fewer expenses and bearable temperature of Days and Nights in Saudi than in other months.

Saudi Arabia is the land of the desert where the sunshine scorches 70 % area of this Kingdom. The scattering rays of the sun scorch the floor of the Grand Mosque (Masjid al-Haram) during summer. During this hot season, performing Umrah may be a difficult task because of the high temperature. Many pilgrims may suffer from sunstroke and dehydration if they are weak. If Umrah is performed by pilgrims at a moderate temperature it is very easy to perform it.

November is such a month that offers moderate temperature, and cannot be called completely cold, making performing Umrah much calmer. During November, The average temperature ranges from 33 degrees to 35 degrees, and after sunset, it drops to an average of 22 degrees.

It is the best month to perform Umrah for pilgrims not only because of its moderate weather but also because the cheapest Umrah packages are available during this month. It makes the pilgrim save his money which can be used for some other purpose. While there, pilgrims can use their savings in many other places. This month is cheaper to visit the holy land of Makkah and perform Umrah but performing Umrah in Ramadan is great to earn more rewards.

Umrah and Whole Year

Pilgrims perform Umrah at any time of the year. Some seasons or months have expensive Umrah packages and some months have cheap Umrah packages. November is one very cheap month of these cheap Umrah package months. A further discussion about this topic is below:


Ramadan is the pious and holy month of the Islamic Calendar. Performing Umrah in Ramadan is very important and a blessing for Muslims. Therefore, most Muslims prefer to perform Umrah in this pious month. So, this month or season has very most expensive Umrah packages. Many Muslims cannot afford to perform Umrah this month. November is the best month for these Muslims to perform Umrah because it has cheap Umrah packages.

Read it: What is Ramadan, and why is it celebrated?


Many Muslims prefer to perform Umrah during the spring season because it has a moderate temperature. This season saves pilgrims from the scorching heat of Makkah during the summer season. But the spring season has the most expensive Umrah packages, many Muslims cannot afford these expensive Umrah packages. November is the best month for these Muslims to perform Umrah because it has cheap Umrah packages.


During the summer season, Saudi Arabia is the extremely hot and scorching heat. So, this season is less busy for pilgrims due to its high temperature. But November is the best month for these Muslims to perform Umrah because it has cheap Umrah packages and moderate temperature.


Autumn is the best time to perform Umrah because the Arab region has moderate temperature during this season-ending. November is the one and last month of the three months of autumn. So, November is the best month for these Muslims to perform Umrah because it has Cheap Umrah packages and moderate temperature.


Apart from Ramadan, winter is the best season for Umrah because there is no scorching sun during this season. But due to the increase in the flow of international tourism, the price of any booking package can be expensive. Many Muslims cannot afford it. So forgetting November may be distancing yourself from Umrah.

Categorized as Islam, Travel